On the third day of Lancaster we shopped the vendors and looked at all the quilts in the show. Here are some of the ones I was drawn to for one reason or another.

Love this modernist take on red, white and blue

Some close up details of the beautiful quilting on this one.
Love the quilting.

Lots of beautiful flowers and I love the zebra print on the vase at the center. Honestly, I would have loved to see this fabric carried out a little into the other flowers. Dont know how exactly but I just think it adds a nice juxtaposition to the flowers.

I love the colors and design of this one.

This one I just had to snap a picture of because one of the ladies in my guild talked about how she was going to make a monkey quilt.

Love the water in this one.

The colors and the design are just yummy to me. As you can tell I am not a traditionalist quilter. That is not to say I don't love the traditional quilts, I just am not drawn to them in any particular way. I can sit back and find something beautiful about most quilts.

Now here is a traditional quilt that I have always loved- Dear Jane. I admire them and the workmanship that goes into them. This one cracked me up because of the title, which was so completely fitting- Jane In Her Teens. Love it. And I of course love it.

Love the technique used here and the quilting.

This is unbelievable, the detail and the colors and the design. Great craftsmanship.

This one cracked me up. The zaniness of it is what I liked.

Very pretty. I am always drawn to floral and the colors in this are very nice and soothing.

This one had all kind of funny things written in the planks of the wood about the funny things dogs do.

Here is some detail of it- pretty amazing, eh?

I really loved this one. Very pretty.
Later that day I attended the Ami Simms Gong Show- worst quilts. She is hysterical. I really enjoyed listening to her talk and looking at all the botched quilts that people had sent in for her Quilt Gong Show, as well as her own botched quilts. After seeing all those incredibly gorgeous quilts, seeing these made me feel like I could actually quilt something worthwhile.